Gwnes addunedau fil

(Y Llwybr cul)
1,(2,(3));  1,2,4.
Gwnes addunedau fil
I rodio'r llwybr cul,
  Ond methu 'rwy';
Preswylydd mawr y berth!
Chwanega eto'm nerth,
I ddringo'r creigiau serth
  Heb flino mwy!

Gelynion lawer mil,
Sy o ddeutu'r llwybr cul
  A minau'n wân;
Dal fi â'th nerthol law
Rhag crwydro yma a thraw:
Yn mhob rhyw drallod ddaw
  Bydd ar fy rhan!

Er nad wyf i ond gwan,
Os deil fy Nuw fi lan
  Ni'm maeddir ddim;
Mae nerth fy Iôr yn fwy
Na'u holl fyddinoedd hwy,
Ni roddant imi glwy'
  Er maint eu grym.

Dàn gysgod gwych y pren
Sy' â'i frigau uwch y nen
  Trig f'enaid byw;
Er g'lynion rif y gwlith,
A sŵn y stormydd chwith
Mi lechaf tano byth,
  Fy noddfa yw.
A minau'n wân :: Lle 'rwyf yn byw
crwydro :: cwympo
Yn mhob rhyw drallod ... :: A'r tywyll ddydd a ...
ar fy rhan :: im' yn Dduw

Morgan Rhys 1716-79

- - - - -

(Ymddiried yn Nuw)

Gwnes addunedau fil,
I gadw'r llwybr cul,
    ond methu rwy';
Preswylydd mawr y berth,
Chwanego etto'm nerth,
I ddringo'r creigiau serth,
    heb flino mwy.

Mae pechod o bob gradd,
Yn fawr am gael fy lladd,
    a minau'n wan;
O estyn fraich i maes,
Dangos dy effeithiol ras,
O'r tiroedd anial cras,
    dwg fi i'r lan.

Ond atat mae fy nghri,
'Does unig ond tydi,
    all fy nglanhau;
Mwy haeddiant sy'n dy waed,
Na'r pechod mwya' gaed,
A chryfach cariad rhad,
    na grym fy mai.

Cryfach addewid Duw,
Na'r pechod gwaetha ei ryw,
    ni saif e ddim;
'Dyw natur gadarn gref,
Ond dim i dân y nef,
Mae gair o'i enau ef,
    yn fwy ei rym.
Hymnau a Salmau 1840
priodolwyd i   |   attributed to
William Williams 1717-91
         - - - - -

Gwnes addunedau fil,
I gadw'r llwybr cul,
  Ond methu 'rwy';
Preswylydd mawr y berth
Chwanega eto'm nerth
I ddringo'r creigiau serth
  Heb flino mwy

Yn teithio Baca 'rwy',
Gan orfod myned trwy
  Anialwch blin:
Edrychaf tua'r nef,
Cyfodaf yno'm llef,
At Dduw - fe ddichon Ef
  Droi Mara'n win.

Fe'm daliodd ar fy nhaith,
Er ofni lawer gwaith,
  Mai marw wnawn;
Er hyny byw trwy ffydd,
A gras am ras bob dydd,
A nerthodd f'enaid prudd
  O Ddwyfol ddawn!

Ni gerddwn tua'r wlad
Bwrcasodd Dwyfol Waed,
  Y mae gerllaw,
Arweinia'r golofn dân,
Trwy foroedd maith ni'n
Ac ni gawn seinio cân
  Yr ochor draw.
Emynau ... yr Eglwys (Daniel Evans) 1883

Tonau [664.6664]:
Adduned (Gwilym Gwent 1838-91)
Bethel (Ieuan Gwyllt 1822-77)
Dinbych (alaw Gymreig)
Llanbeblig / St Peblig (alaw Gymreig)
Llanddowror (alaw Gymreig)
Olewyddan (Lowell Mason 1792-1872)

  Cryfach addewid Duw
  O'r diwedd daeth yr awr
  O tyred Awdwr hedd (Rho i mi … )
  O tyred Arglwydd mawr (Dihidla … )
  Wel bellach awn yn mlaen
  Y Ffordd a'r Bywyd mawr

(The narrow path)
I made a thousand promises
To walk the narrow path,
  But failing I am;
Great resident of the bush!
Increase again my strength,
To climb the steep rocks
  Without tiring any more!

Many thousands of enemies,
Are beside the narrow path
  And I weak;
Keep me with thy strong hand
From wandering here and there:
In every kind of coming trouble
  Be on my side!

Although I am only weak,
If my God holds me up
  Nothing shall beat me;
The strength of my God is greater
Than all their armies,
They will not give me a wound
  Despite their force.

Under the brilliant shadow of the tree
With its twigs above the sky
  My living soul will dwell;
Despite enemies numerous as the dew,
And the sound of the sinister storms
I will shelter under it forever,
  My refuge it is.
And I weak :: Where I am living
wandering :: falling
In every kind of ... trouble :: And the darkness of the ... day
on my side :: God to me


- - - - -

(Trust in God)

I made a thousand promises
To keep the narrow path,
    but failing I am;
Great resident of the bush,
Increase again my strength,
To climb the steep rocks,
    without tiring any more!

There is sin of every degree,
Greatly wanting to get to slay me,
    and I weak;
O stretch out an arm,
Show thy effective grace,
From the rough, desert lands,
    lead me up.

But to thee is my cry,
There is only thou,
    who canst cleanse me;
There is greater merit in thy blood,
Than the greatest sin there is,
And stronger free love,
    than the force of my fault.

Stronger the promise of God,
Than the sin of the worst kind,
    which shall not withstand it;
Firm, strong nature is
But nothing to the fire of heaven,
A word from his mouth is
    of greater force.
             - - - - -

I made a thousand promises
To keep the narrow path,
  But failing I am;
Great inhabitant of the bush
Increase again my strength
To climb the steep rocks
  Without wearying any more.

Travelling through Baca I am,
While forced to go through
  A wearying desert:
I will look towards heaven,
I will raise thither my cry,
Towards God - He will suffice
  To turn Mara into wine.

He held me on my journey,
Despite fearing many a time,
  That I would die;
Despite this living through faith,
And grace for grace every day,
Which strengthened my sad soul
  O divine gift!

We shall walk towards the land
Which divine blood purchased,
  It is nearby;
The pillar of fire shall guide,
Through vast seas before us,
And we may sound a song
  On yonder side.
tr. 2015,16 Richard B Gillion
I promise every day
tr. Howell Elvet Lewis (Elfed) 1860-1953
Sweet Singers of Wales 1889

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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